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WHAT   CAN   WE    DO?

We, The New Horizon, are an international organization that consists a variety of intelligent astronauts, artists, scientists and programmers. We are a total of 25 students who are determined to help the human race and create a new society on Mars. We are strong, brave, intelligent and all the atributes of the Learner Profile and we care about our race.

We can save this human race. We can start a new civiliazation on Mars in just a few simple steps but we need your help. Mars isn't as dangerous as some people may think. Yes, it is different from Earth but so is a lot of other things. Mars is the closest thing we have to our home and we need to experiment on it to see if we can really start a new society on it. It may be risky and maybe even a little crazy but with your help we can make history and possibly even save our human race from permanent extinction. The human race will go extinct eventually just like how the dinosaurs did but why have it end so soon, why do nothing if there is something we can do to help.  We have a chance to expand the life of our race, and we can only do it with you.

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