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Christopher Marlowe

About Christopher Marlowe

Christopher Marlowe was an Englishman who wrote plays and poems in the Elizabethan Era. He was

baptized on February 26th 1564 in Canterbury, Kent, England. Christopher Marlowe had a father named,

John Marlowe and a mother named Catherine. The date he was born still remains unknown but it is likely

that he was born a few days before his baptizsm. He was two months older than William Shakespeare

(April 26th 1564). He went to King's School and was awarded a scholarship that enabled him to study at

Corpus Christi College, Cambridge from late 1580 until 1587



Christopher wrote several plays and poems and many of them were enormously successful. Some of the

plays and poems he wrote were: "Hero and Leander" (published in 1598),

"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love", and translations of 

"Ovid’s Amores" and the first book of "Lucan’s Pharsalia". In 1599, his translation

of Ovid was banned and copies publicly burned as part of Archbishop Whitgift crackdown on offensive








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